LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314


Summer visitors of the Rogati hrib fish pond – author: SFS Kočevje


White tailed eagle at Rogati hrib fish pond – author: SFS Kočevje


LIFE KOČEVSKO promotional movie – author: LIFE Kočevsko project team (Als Leo Vučemilović s.p.)


Fish stock translocation from Reško creek to Reško lake  – author: SFS Kočevje


White tailed eagle nest (Haliaeetus albicilla)  – author: SFS Kočevje


White-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) territorial drumming – author: ZRSVN


First sightings of the white tailed eagle on their nest – author: SFS Kočevje


First feeding site for birds of prey in Slovenia: overview of visitors at the site – author: SFS Kočevje


Ground nest depredation in Natura 2000 Kočevsko – author: SFS Kočevje


Predators and other fauna in western capercaillie and hasel grouse habitat in Natura 2000 Kočevsko area  – author: SFS Kočevje