LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314

Press Room

Načrtujemo odstranitev 55 m3 odpadkov iz jame Schaffeichloch pri Koprivniku

Sporočilo za javnost: Kočevje, 25.3. 2015

V okviru aktivnosti na projektu LIFE KOČEVSKO-Ohranjanje območij Natura 2000 Kočevsko bo 2. in 3. aprila potekalo čiščenje kraške jame Schaffeichloch ali Škalove jame v bližini Koprivnika. Glede na podatke, ki smo jih pridobili s pomočjo popisa stanja onesnaženosti pri pregledu notranjosti brezna pričakujemo, da bo iz jame odstranjeno okoli 55 m3 odpadkov. Zaradi bližine ceste je jama lažje dostopna, kar omogoča odlaganje odpadkov v njeno notranjost.

Čiščenje bodo izvajali predstavniki Jamarskega kluba Novo mesto. Ti so v preteklem letu uspešno izvedli medijsko zelo odmevno sanacijo jame Mišnica pri vasi Vrbovec pri Dobrniču, ki zaradi zamašitve z odpadki ni več požirala meteornih voda ob večjih in dolgotrajnih nalivih.

Gre za tehnično izredno zahteven podvig, ki zaradi specifične stopenjske oblike 20 m globokega brezna zahteva uporabo vrvne tehnike. Odpadki se nahajajo na dveh nivojih in sicer na dnu vhodnega brezna in nadalje še v notranjem breznu. Glede na podatke iz popisa in izdelan Projekt čiščenja se v jami nahaja okoli 22 m3  drobnih komunalnih odpadkov, 11 m3  večjih gospodinjskih aparatov, 11 m3 ostankov vozil in traktorskih gum, 6 mgradbenih odpadkov ter do 5 m3 mrhovine oz. živalskih odpadkov v vrečah. Izvlek odpadkov bo motoriziran in sicer s pomočjo kamiona z dvigalno roko. Ločevanje odpadkov v zbirne zabojnike in odvoz bo potekalo mehanizirano na licu mesta. Dejanske količine odstranjenih odpadkov bodo izmerjene naknadno ob sprejemu v zbirni center.

Zaradi bližine ceste in s tem lažje dostopnosti vhoda jame za  ponovno odlaganje različnih odpadkov nameravamo po izvedeni sanaciji dostop do vhoda zaščititi z leseno ograjo. Ker domnevamo, da to ne bo dovolj, razmišljamo tudi o tem, da se na vrhu vhodnega brezna zgradi prestrezno pregrado, ki bo preprečila, da novo odložene smeti padejo v globino jame. V bližini bo postavljena tudi tabla z osnovnimi informacijami o jami z opozorilom o prepovedi odlaganja smeti.

Na področju Kočevske je skupno registriranih 1.829 jam od katerih je po ocenah strokovnjakov okoli 10% močno onesnaženih.  V letih 2016 i 2017 namerava Občina Kočevje očistiti in sanirati 6 izbranih kraških jam v katerih se nahaja okoli 120 m3 različnih vrst odpadkov. Vzporedno z izvajanjem sanacij načrtujemo tudi različne dogodke s katerimi bomo ozaveščali lokalno in širšo javnost o vplivu odlaganja odpadkov v kraško podzemlje na kakovost pitne vode in možnostih preživetja zaščitenih jamskih organizmov s poudarkom na človeški ribici (Proteus anguinus).

Več o vsebini in poteku različnih aktivnosti projekta  LIFE KOČEVSKO lahko najdete na spletni strani

Kontakt: T: 01 8938 229, E:, marija.mihelič,

The Municipality of Kočevje was awarded one of the three LIFE projects in Slovenia

LIFE KOČEVSKO, Conserving Natura 2000 sites in Kočevsko

In 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment (MAE) received 34 project proposals for co-financing from the LIFE+ programme and submitted them to the European Commission. On 25 March this year, after completing the nine-month process of evaluation and selection the European Commission approved three Slovenian projects for co-financing and on 7 April the list of projects for co-financing was finally confirmed by the LIFE Board.

Three Slovenian projects will receive LIFE funds, among which also the Conservation of Natura 2000 sites in Kočevsko – LIFE Kočevsko, applied jointly by the Municipality of Kočevje and its partners. The total value of the project is €2,270,013, of which €1,135,006 of funds come from the LIFE + programme, and the MAE will contribute €681,004 or 30% of the project value.

The LIFE Kočevsko project application is a project that deals comprehensively with the active protection of Natura 2000 sites in Kočevsko taking into account the other two components of sustainable development. The Municipality of Kočevje joined the project as the leading partner with project partners that include the Slovenian Forest Service, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation and People’s University Kočevje.

The Kočevsko region is the most richly wooded Natura 2000 site in Slovenia. However, in addition to forests it covers a rich underground habitat with a proteus dwelling as the main indicator of clean groundwater. The main objective of the project is the implementation of specific nature conservation actions in the forests regarding highly threatened forest birds (the wood grouse, hazel grouse, three-toed woodpecker and the white-backed woodpecker), the only pair of white-tailed eagle in the Kočevsko region in Kočevska Reka and the underground to protect the underground habitat type as well as the proteus and thus ensure the conservation of water resources in caves. In the process of implementation of these projects we want to achieve a development consensus of the area with the broadest possible range of stakeholders.

For the purposes of active protection of forest biodiversity we will by way of demonstration test measures such as the establishment of ecocells with taking action in the form of forest harvesting with and without constraints, introduce a mechanism for leasing of private forest land for the purposes of establishing ecocells for at least 20 years, test a new method of dilution and the establishment of a network of habitat trees. In some key areas, we will also establish a special regime on forest roads.

For the purposes of protection of nesting habitat and feeding habitat of white-tailed eagle in Kočevska Reka we will establish arrangements on a fishing reserve with infrastructure for visits, an observation tower, arranged info-centre and control centre in a nearby building.

We will first deal with the protection of the underground habitat with analysis of groundwater quality, the presence of protei and by conducting other analyzes (emphasis will be put on the state of pollution) in the pre-selected caves. Through concrete conservation actions we will carry out cleaning of at least two polluted caves, which represent a water source, establishing a surveillance system and the purchase of land and prevent access to the caves, which are the subject of repeated pollution. With these actions we will improve the condition of underground water sources and the possibilities of increasing the proteus population.

A wide range of stakeholders from local, regional and national level will be invited to take part in all the activities of the project in order to ensure consistent and lasting solutions that will be in harmony with the economic, social and environmental aspects of the development of the Kočevsko and Obkolpje regions. The LIFE Kočevsko project is the first of a series of projects in the region that will try to place the “development with nature” principle based on the human and natural potential of the area.