LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314

Bird workshop for primary school researchers

Published on 1. 3. 2018 under News
Bird workshop for primary school researchers

On the last day of February we carried out a workshop on birds at the primary school of dr. Ivan Prijraž Sodražica within the framework of the subject Research of organisms in the local environment. We focused on target bird species adaptations to local environmental changes, their ecology and diet and highlighted special features of each group. Within the subject students learn about typical ecosystems of the local environment, relations between organisms and the environment, natural heritage and modern environmental management. The main objective of the subject, and also LIFE Kočevsko project, is to develop a positive attitude towards nature and awareness of the importance of conservation and responsible management of the environment. With the wokshop, we hope that we have also contributed to the students’ necessary knowledge.


PHOTO: People’s University of Kočevje archives