Kopa virgin forest
Nature conservation and increasing levels of deadwood are two main objectives of establishing a network of eco-cells, areas left to develop naturally. Within the LIFE Kočevsko projects concrete action C2 (improvement of the habitat and populations of the white-backed (Dendrocopos leucotos) and three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus)), eco-cells in size of 100 ha were establised in state-owned forests and additional 28 ha in privately owned forests (action B1).
One of these areas is the conservation zone surrounding Kopa virgin forest. SFS employees dedicated 2 days (23 and 24 August) to define exact edges of the area. The conservation zone is 45 – 100 m wide, measuring 6,95 ha. The whole conservation zone is an eco-cell where logging is not allowed. Including the Kopa virgin forest, an area of 20 ha is now left to develop naturally, providing suitable habitat for the two endangered woodpecker species.