LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314

Feeding fences for the hazel grouse now marked out

Published on 14. 4. 2017 under News
Feeding fences for the hazel grouse now marked out

In the framework of LIFE Kočevsko project, setting up feeding fences  in total size of 5,25 km was planned in order to provide better feeding opportunities for the hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia). Fruit and seed bearing trees will be planted, as well as hazel (buds and male blossoms are the main winter food source for the hazel grouse). In addition, rowan trees (important in summer and autumn diet) and spruce trees (early development phase, providing shelter) will be planted in 2018.

Feeding fences are marked within the hazel grouse zone – Natura 2000 area where presence of the species has already been confirmed, or the area offers suitable habitat for the species. Exact locations were determined in cooperation with district foresters, hunters and SiDG (Slovenian State forests company).


Marking of locations for the feeding fences was completed in beginning of April 2017. All 15 fences will be set in summer/autumn season later this year. Planting of the tree seedlings will be completed in spring 2018.

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