LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314

Report on the opening of »KOČEVSKO – COEXISTANCE WITH NATURE« photo exhibition

Published on 19. 11. 2015 under News
Report on the opening of »KOČEVSKO – COEXISTANCE WITH NATURE« photo exhibition

Ljudska univerza Kočevje (Adult education centre) organized an exhibition of pictures selected in »Kočevje – coexistence with nature« photo competition in the auditorium of Kočevje High school on 18 November 2015 at 6:00 p.m..

Competition lasted from mid-July to the end of September 2015.  24 photographers entered the competition and 124 photos of target species and nature taken in Natura 2000 Kočevsko area were submitted.

Panel of judges picked out 18 photos of target species and 12 photos of nature in Natura 2000 Kočevsko area.

The opening included a short cultural programme that consisted of musical and dance performances by High school students, music school student and a couple from Jasmin dance club Kočevje.

The exhibition was opened by the mayor of the municipality of Kočevje Dr. Vladimir Prebilič

It was attended by around 30 people including photographers, project partners and general public.

Every guest received a package of promotional material that contained a calendar with photos chosen in the competition, postcards, and a notebook that contains selected photos and project brochure.

The exhibition will be on display in the auditorium of Kočevje High school until the end of November 2015.