LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314

Selection of habitat trees

Published on 12. 10. 2016 under News
Selection of habitat trees

For long-term conservation of white-backed and three-toed woodpeckers old, large, weakened trees where woodpeckers find their food have to stay in the forest. To achieve this ZGS is implementing LIFE Kočevsko activity where such trees are rented for a period of 20 years within privately owned forests. Priority areas for selection of habitat trees are core zones for woodpeckers. Finding habitat trees within such a large area is a difficult task therefore cooperation with regional foresters is crucial as they know the forests very well. Regional foresters also establish communication with the forest owners. The trees are marked, measured and GPS location is taken.

News written by: Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, OE Kočevje