Kot smo že poročali, je Kočevsko sredi decembra doletel vetrolom, ki je razkril številne strehe in zaprl prenekatere ceste, povzročil pa je tudi katastrofalno škodo v gozdovih. Poškodovani so v projekt zajeti sestoji drogovnjakov in…continue reading
On 29 and 30 September a 50-member team of Institute for Nature Conservation employees visited Kočevsko. On this occasion, progress of LIFE Kočevsko project was presented at the Eagle room and visit of the Eagle…continue reading
V razvedrilni oddaji RTV Slovenija z naslovom "Na Lepše" z dne 9. oktobra 2015, so med drugim obravnavali tudi tematiko vojaškega turizma in nekdaj zaprto območje Kočevske. Vabljeni k ogledu razvedrilne oddaje s klikom na…continue reading
By submitting an application authors confirm and agree, that the organizer of the exhibition can use the works that the jury picks for use in projects publications, web sites and/or any other promotional material linked…continue reading
By submitting an application authors confirm and agree, that the organizer of the exhibition can use the works that the jury picks for use in projects publications, web sites and/or any other promotional material linked…continue reading