LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314

Education Day of the foresters at the Slovenia Forestry Service, Novo Mesto Regional Unit, Podturn Local Unit

Published on 21. 1. 2015 under News
Education Day of the foresters at the Slovenia Forestry Service, Novo Mesto Regional Unit, Podturn Local Unit

The education of foresters, their knowledge of animal species, environmental requirements of individual species and their habitats are considered key determinants on the basis of which the forest development can be even more efficiently regulated.

For this purpose a set of educational and field workshops for foresters, conductors of forest operations, hunters, etc. will be prepared.

The first workshop – the Education Day for foresters of the Slovenia Forestry Service, Novo Mesto Regional Unit will be organised for the employees at the Podturn Local Unit.

Marjan Grah (SFS, Novo Mesto RU), Mirko Perušek (SFS, Kočevje RU), Andrej Hudoklin and Denis Žitnik (IRSNC, Novo Mesto RU) presented the LIFE Kočevsko project in detail to all foresters present and pointed out the main highlights – concrete nature conservation actions conducted by the SFS throughout the whole project. in In an interesting way the foresters familiarised themselves with target species of the project, got informed about their environmental requirements and habitat and were presented with a series of measures implemented in the scope of the project to provide a more favourable situation of the respective target species.