Water days 2017
In October, representatives of the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation attended a two-day symposium with international participation Water days 2017, organized by the Slovenian Water Protection Association in Portorož. The main topic of the symposium was WATER AND OPPORTUNITIES.
The Symposium was divided into five topical themes related to sustainable water management, environment, drinking water and water resources, and communal activities and effective waste water treatment.
Head of regional unit Ljubljana at Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation Gregor Danev presented the nature conservation significance of the biodiversity rich karst underground with caves and abysses, proteus and other cave fauna. He pointed out the burning problem of pollution of the karst underground from untreated wastewaters, intensive sources of pollution from agriculture and the illegal flooding of karst caves with different waste, which could have devastating consequences for the underground ecosystem and warned of the bad state of the karst underground in the Kočevsko field (findings of the LIFE Kočevsko project).
Presentation is available here (in Slovene).