LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314


The Lake Kočevje

13. 1. 2015 - Kočevska
The Lake Kočevje
The Lake Kočevje is one of the cleanest lakes in Slovenia and offers many options to relax your body and soul. The artificial lake formed between 1973 and 1978. Initially there were two large ponds…
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The Rinža River

13. 1. 2015 - Kočevska
The Rinža River
The Rinža River is the only river in the Kočevska region. It is a distinctive Karst river disappearing underground and flowing into the Kolpa River as the Bilpa brook. The spring of the Rinža River…
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The Reško Lake

13. 1. 2015 - Kočevska
The Reško Lake
The Reško Lake near Kočevska Reka represents an invaluable habitat for numerous fish species and birds, while its forest reserve offers shelter to wild animals. The Reški potok stream is a Karst underground stream which…
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12. 1. 2015 - Kočevska
Kočevska has been experiencing varied and unusual historical events for centuries. Due to the remoteness, vast forests, harsh climate, karstification, water shortage and poor soil fertility, the Kočevska region stood derelict as a powerful, inaccessible…
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