LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314

Forest pedagogy education materials for primary school teachers now available

Published on 28. 3. 2018 under News
Forest pedagogy education materials for primary school teachers now available

Forest pedagogy education materials for primary school teachers are based on experiential learning and intended for didactic path visiting. All materials are available in Slovene only. You can Access the “forest curriculum” here. Learning sheets about white-tailed eagle, forest animal traces, eagle puzzle and forest games are also available. When visiting didactic path, children can get their “forest oath”.

For independent visitors of didactic path in the immedite vicinity of lake Reško we prepared leaflet (SI). Even though didactic path is still undergoing rehabilitation works, it will soon be possible to visit it again.

Successfully teahching and interpreting nature!

As Aristotle considered: “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”


Photo credits: Adult education centre Kočevje archive