LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314

First winter meal for the white-tailed eagle

Published on 1. 2. 2017 under News
First winter meal for the white-tailed eagle

In January, all required permits were granted by Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection (UVHVVR) to start placing category 1 carrion to the recently established white-tailed eagle feeding ground near Kočevska Reka. This is the first feeding ground providing supplementary food for birds of prey in Slovenia. Supplementary food will be provided till the end of February. The mechanism of movable footbridge turned out to be an innovative and interesting solution for providing selective access to the platform where carrion is placed.

We hope improving food availability for the white-tailed eagle will result in successful breeding of the only pair living in Kočevsko. For now, the platform has had many bird visitors, but the eagles haven’t approached it yet. The platform is successfully protected from other, larger species (e.g. bears). The feeding site will have a remote video system in order to provide full information on the feeding site visitors.