LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314

Winter feeding ground for white-tailed eagle ready

Published on 16. 1. 2017 under News
Winter feeding ground for white-tailed eagle ready

Winter feeding ground for white-tailed eagle was set up at the end of December 2016 and SFS will start stocking it with carcases of still-born lambs and calves or with road-kill at the end of January.

This is the first example of such feeding ground for birds of prey in Slovenia. It is a square wooden deck, lifted 4 metres off the ground which prevents access to any other animal except birds. Innovative sliding aluminium podium enables access for carrying carcases.

Soon the winter feeding ground will also be equipped with video system for surveillance comprising two cameras. One of these will monitor the feeding ground and the second camera will monitor the area around the feeding ground. The system will also include fotovoltaic panels and accumulator for the necessary energy needed to survey and change the settings from a distance.

This system will enable surveillance of the feeding behaviour of the white-tailed eagle and that of other scavenger birds. At the end of the season for stocking the feeding ground we will prepare a report on behaviour of white-tailed eagle and other birds (especially ravens) at the feeding site.

News prepared by SFS Kočevje.


Slika 1: Prehranjevalna ploščad s premično brvjo (foto: Primož Prijanovič, ZGS OE Kočevje).

foto: Primož Prijanovič, ZGS OE Kočevje

Slika 2: Prehranjevalna ploščad je pribl. 4 metre dvignjena od tal (foto: Primož Prijanovič, ZGS OE Kočevje).

foto: Primož Prijanovič, ZGS OE Kočevje

Slika 3: Smer najlažjega dostopa do krmišča za orla belorepca (foto: Primož Prijanovič, ZGS OE Kočevje).

foto: Primož Prijanovič, ZGS OE Kočevje