Threats for ground breeders
Survey of predation of artificial ground nests
One of the activities carried out by ZGS within action A2 (Inventory of the baseline status) was a survey of predation of artificial ground nests in vicinity of wildlife baiting sites. With this survey we would like to test whether predation of artificial ground nests is higher in vicintiy of baiting sites, estimate the distance from the baiting sites where the pradation levels are higher and examine predator species at different distances from the baiting sites. Results of this survey will enable better spatial positioning of concrete conservation actions of projekt LifeKočevsko (C actions) which will improve the habitat of two target species: capercaillie and hazel grouse. In this survey 150 artificial nests were monitored with the help of local hunters from LPN Snežnik Kočevska Reka and LPN Medved. Results will be available in autumn.